Monday, May 12, 2008

New poll: Should Sen. Clinton quit the race?

New poll: Should Sen. Clinton quit the race?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I heard a commercial yesterday you did for the upcoming James Carvell/Mary Matlin visit.

I must say I almost fell off my chair. Here you were extolling the virtues of a left/right argument. Here's Gary Sutton, who has told us thousands of times how he can't stand partisan bickering, begging people to pay money to come see him as Master of Ceremonies for a bickerfest.

Could the answer to this seeming contradiction be in the "pay money" part?

Or perhaps I am overly harsh in the the suggestion that Main Street principals can be purchased and discarded for a few coins.

Perhaps, instead, you are going to take the opportunity to lecture Carvel and Matlin about how you have risen above petty party politics and they should to.

Please tell them how Main Streeters don't even like to use the words left/right/conservative/lib/Republican or dem. After all, your listeners are treated to this almost every day.

Maybe you'll not allow them to engage in unfair criticisms of their political opponents and will instead lead a discussion designed to reach a mutual agreement on issues like drilling for oil, taxes and which candidate will be best for America.

I'd love to see them be told that Main Streeters don't want people to forcefully argue their points and that they just want an end to the bickering so that something, anything, - really anything at all - can get done in DC.

Go ahead. Use the opportunity to show just how that great Main Street philosophy can make the lion lay with the lamb. When they start their partisan talk, cut them off and instruct them on how to be a Main Streeter.

I'd pay a few coins to see that.