Friday, May 16, 2008

To think I'm anti-woman (or don't understand them)!

Remember the other day when a person nicknamed Hillary Forever said I’m anti-woman?

It really bothered me, as you can probably tell by now. I’ve studied women, and to the degree you can understand them, I have tried to do so.

For example, I have learned that when a woman says yes, it means no, and when she says no, it equals yes.

If she says maybe, it always means no.

When she blurts out I’m sorry, the translation is you’ll be sorry.

When she states we need, it means I want, while "We need to talk" is code for I need to complain.

Sure, go ahead means I don’t want you t, and I’m not upset is interpreted to mean of course I’m upset you moron.

This kitchen is so inconvenient in woman talk really is stating, I want a new house.

Do you love me is the precursor for I’m going to ask you for something expensive,

and Are you listening to me—well, too late, you’re dead.

Was that the baby crying tells you to get out of bed and walk him until he’s asleep.

Is my butt fat is a call out to Tell her she’s beautiful.

How much do you love me is the warning that she did something you’re not going to like, and I’ll be ready in a minute means sit down and find a good game on tv.

Finally, the answer to What’s wrong is “the same old things” which means “nothing” which is” really everything” which finally can be interpreted that her pms is acting up.

And to think I am anti-woman or don’t understand you. Huh.



Anonymous said...

Gary, you either have an extremely odd sense of humor or...or I do not really know what to say. If this is a joke (and I hope that it is) then it doesn't really refute the argument that you have an issue when it comes to women.

Gary Sutton said...

It was a joke! Sorry I have to mention that. Nice to know you are still out there looking for reasons to pounce. Get over it!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Sutton,

Did you see the news that large numbers of Hillary supporters have decided to not vote for Obama, should he be the nominee, based on the shameful, sexist nature of the debate that the party has had?

You are not alone in being sexist as your latest post so vividly shows. Even progressives on MSNBC have gone out of their way to denigrate our Lady just like you have. How does it feel to be aligned with them?

Actually, a better question would be to ask these progressive sexists how it feels to be aligned with a right wing sexist.

I'm sure you'll argue that your latest post is an attempt at humor. But the very fact that you find these things amusing means that your level of sensitivity to the feelings of others is abysmal. Hopefully, when our Lady wins, we'll be able to provide some sensitivity training to those who would benefit from it.

Anonymous said...

The above post is a textbook example of blind lemmingship. No real thought whatsoever was put into her post before she entered it. May she enjoy the loss in the fall.

Anonymous said...

hillary forever -

Instead of putting down Gary and the rest of the candidates for Prez, tell ME and/or US on this blog why YOU think that Hillary is the best candidate for the job.

I really honestly want to hear your opinion on this. I myself will be voting for Ron Paul, as long as he's still in the race. I think Ron Paul makes the most sense out of any of the candidates, his positions are strong and he is willing to stick his neck out there to make it very clear that government needs more than just the usual reforms in 2008. I can continue if needed.

So, to you. Why Hillary?

Anonymous said...

Hey Doug, in case you haven't seen the numbers, Ron Paul was eliminated months ago.

Anonymous said...


You, sir or madam, are mistaken. Ron Paul has not been eliminated at all. He is still in the running and even if/when the "presumptive nominee" gets the nod I hope Dr. Paul runs as an independent.

Ron Paul may be eliminated in your mind, but he is still a candidate and deserves to be treated as such (regardless of how the media treats him).

pastor mf said...

Anybody thinking that the media is gender biased using references to Hillary's "cackle" as an example, have quickly forgotten the attention given to the infamous "Dean scream!"

What type of hate/bias was that all about?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Waters,

I appreciate you asking exactly why I support Hillary. I would think any person who follows mainstream media would know why she's the best, but you did issue a challenge for me to define why I support Her and you went to all the trouble of sharing your carefully formed thoughts on Mr. Paul with us.

So I guess I have to think as deeply about our Lady as you did. So here goes:

I think

1. Hillary Clinton makes the most sense out of any of the candidates and,

2. Her positions are strong and

3. She is willing to stick Her neck out there to make it very clear that government needs more than just the usual reforms in 2008.

I hope you'll be happy with this level of specificity.

Seriously, I don't expect most conservatives to ever vote for our Lady. My only purpose in these posts is to try and get the Luddites among us to at least try and start to think about the serious problem that is unconscious (or overt as is the case for some)sexism.

Anonymous said...


You have made an obvious attempt to dodge the question by mimicking my own remarks while taking a subtle shot at my argument for Paul at the same time. Nice one. That was very...politicianish of you. Like, totally.

I really don't follow the mainstream media that much. I get most of my news off the internet and it's usually a passing glance, so I'm going to need you to help me out here and tell me what I'm missing. If Hillary is as great as you say she is, there's obviously something I don't know.

Unless you do some explaining, I'm going to have to go with my gut and figure that you're just unconsciously sexist yourself.

Anonymous said...

She forgot to list #4, which is the only real reason she's running. The others she lists are ludicrous at best. Here it is:

4. She is willing to go to any lengths necessary in her desperate bid to gain the Presidency and the power the office holds, to benefit her own needs and not the people's.