Thursday, May 22, 2008

$12 to $15 Dollars Per %@&*$# Gallon??

One person has speculated gasoline to be that way in the future. Astonishing? Yes. Justifed? Who knows. $4 per gallon by the weekend?? Probably, the way things have gone this week. That and other subjects will be on today's docket. We'll also check in with Mike Machrowitz from Foxnews on the Farm Bill and the War Funding Bill. Drop us a line in this blog thread if you are unable to get in on the phones. Grab onto something and hold on for dear life, the ride is wild on The Gary Sutton Show!


Anonymous said...

How ridiculous. These gas prices are killing me. I wrote a little rant about it yesterday.

Robinakilt said...

America, she has lost her way and I fear will not have the fuel to relight her lamp. We will move people for their land for the greater good. But we will not move moose for oil? WHAT THE @&$*?!?!? Washington's answer is stick to the oil companies. Does that help the American people? NO, if you say yes than how? Or is it another opportunity for Big Brother to take another step at destroying capitalism? I REJECT what the members of both parties are doing to this country. We need to start to think like the founding fathers did and protect our liberty at all costs! "I would rather Die on my feet, than Live on my knees!

Anonymous said...

To quote a famous deceased cartoonist, Walt Kelly of Philadelphia who wrote the POGO comic strip.

"We have met the enemy and he is us"

Walt wrote this back in 1970 for an Earth Day poster. He was way ahead of his time. Maybe we should have paid more attention.

Gary Sutton said...

Maybe the most ridiculous headline that meets us at this moment of high prices of oil is, "Pelosi and the House of Representatives Sue Opec."

Are these people really this stupid, or are they just throwing down another symbolic gesture that will be emotional, but in the end produce no action or oil? I choose the latter, even though their intelligence, or respect for our's can be questioned.

No, this is a nice diversion from the fact that these people are bought , paid for, and held hostage to the environmental groups, and any move to help the American people will be met with a withdrawal of money from these special interests to whom the bloodsuckers in Congress have attached themselves.

Try to get an explanation as we have regarding why we can't drill in ANWR or off-shore, and you will hear the most amazing lines of crap ever spewed forth by supposedly-intelligent people.

This Congress is making a sham of representation, and long ago left statesmanship and policy behind. Symbolism and unreasoned partisanship have become their cornerstones for mock action. Shame on them for this cruel masquerade as representing the interests of this country.

Oh, and by the way, with the president's popularity rating at 23%, where is a better place to go seek change than a group which stands at 11-13%. Congress? A vote for ANYONE from that group will certainly change the statu-quo, won't it?????? GS

Gary Sutton said...

Maybe the most ridiculous headline that meets us at this moment of high prices of oil is, "Pelosi and the House of Representatives Sue Opec."

Are these people really this stupid, or are they just throwing down another symbolic gesture that will be emotional, but in the end produce no action or oil? I choose the latter, even though their intelligence, or respect for our's can be questioned.

No, this is a nice diversion from the fact that these people are bought , paid for, and held hostage to the environmental groups, and any move to help the American people will be met with a withdrawal of money from these special interests to whom the bloodsuckers in Congress have attached themselves.

Try to get an explanation as we have regarding why we can't drill in ANWR or off-shore, and you will hear the most amazing lines of crap ever spewed forth by supposedly-intelligent people.

This Congress is making a sham of representation, and long ago left statesmanship and policy behind. Symbolism and unreasoned partisanship have become their cornerstones for mock action. Shame on them for this cruel masquerade as representing the interests of this country.

Oh, and by the way, with the president's popularity rating at 23%, where is a better place to go seek change than a group which stands at 11-13%. Congress? A vote for ANYONE from that group will certainly change the statu-quo, won't it?????? GS

Just Fred said...

I just returned form a two-week excursion in Italy. When I left, the gas price was $1.45 per liter. That amounts to about $6 per gallon, and they think we are lucky to be paying as little as we do.

I guess the point is that whether you think the amount you pay for fuel is too high or low depends upon what side of the fence (or ocean) you live on.

On another note, I keep hearing about the Anwar situation. Is there some kind of assumption that drilling in Anwar is going to give us more time to re-tool for a shift to other fuels? We are a crisis-oriented society and tend not to act until there is a crisis we can't avoid. I'm not convinced that pumping oil from Alaska, North Dakota, or the Gulf will lower gas prices for us when other countries are willing to pay more anyway. We must remember we went through this 30 years ago and as far as I can tell, did nothing to prepare for the future when the oil began to flow again.

Didn't the former CEO of Shell Oil say that it takes about 7 years to deliver the first drop gasoline from the time a decision to drill a new well is made?

Personally, I would not oppose any new oil well exploration and development or refinery construction as long as there was an honest committment to develop other energy sources leading to greater energy independence. We must remember that the oil industry is a global enterprise and oil is sold to the highest bidder. We can't expect Exxon-Mobil to sell cheap fuel to us because we are citizens of the United States and they like us.