Monday, November 3, 2008

VOTE! What's your final thought and the "Hoe-Down!"

PLEASE vote tomorrow for your candidate. You are the final poll, and whether it's Obama, McCain, or other, you need to exercise your guaranteed right. Here's a question, though. What will your final thought be before you make your choice?

Oh yeah! I'm looking forward to meeting you tomorrow night at WOW Cafe and Wingery with my bud, Jay! Come out and blog, and eat, and talk and eat, and joke, and eat! We'll be there from 6-9p.m. Come on out and have fun!


Anonymous said...

It's almost FINALLY over. Problem is we ALL lose. Obama wins, we lose. McCain wins, we lose.

WHERE was a real candidate this whole time?? Paul? No. Barr? No. Huckabee....Romney....Clinton? All NO. There was never a clear-cut, stand above candidate this whole election turn. What a shame, as we settle for just another one term President.

Anonymous said...

That's the problem Stu, it's NOT almost finally over. It's just beginning. Tomorrow we're going to vote in Obama or McCain and we'll be stuck with them for four years.

And who is to blame? Not the candidates. Absolutely not. They didn't vote themselves through the primaries. They didn't force us into this position. We did it to ourselves. Rise and fall of the American empire can be contributed 100% to the American people.

RC said...

I think that Obama will be an interesting fellow to have as president, far more so than McCain would've been.
He's a Constitutional scholar, has great teamsmanship and organizational ability, and brings with him a sense of fairmindedness that we saw in his campaigning where he attacked on the issues, not with personal or fear-based attacks which typify American political races.

He's arriving at a time of instability---the current administration has shown itself to be somewhere between the Reichstag and a bad movie out of the 50's and between their criminality and the collusion of the Dems in Congress the nation finds itself in some seriously deep holes.

It's good to have someone who's upbeat and intelligent at such times, Obama's both.
We will see if he can right the foundering ship of state . . .
Fiscally, we're impoverished.. . more so than at any time perhaps since Andrew Jackson. The dollar is at great risk of being replaced on the world markets by the yuan. This would devalue our world stock even lower.
Diplomatically, we've managed to either scare the rest of the world or embarrass them to the point where they don't want to fraternize with us.

Militarily we find ourselves spending much more than dreamt possible, and yet our insecurity increases. International terror and those wildly implausible but possible scenarios of a nuclear device exploded in an US city or a nuclear plant blown up with radiation release are just as real now as they have ever been.
We have destablilized the MidEast even more than it was previously with Hussein in Iraq, and we now find that the number of terrorists our incursion into the MidEast has caused to grow is estimated to be about 10X more than what it was 5 years ago.

I hope that Obama turns out to be one of those fantastic American presidents who accomplish much in a short time.
His election is itself a marvel------a young black man---given the tendency in this nation to push minorities to the servant's quarters. I still think that Obama owes more than he realizes to Tiger Woods----another hybrid black man who captured the world's attention and love with his extraordinary drive and ability. Like John the Baptist he cleared the way for Obama so that even black-fearing racists found they could entertain the notion of having a black man atop the leaderboard.

I think that reforms are so badly needed that Obama's work is cut out for him. Let's pray he succeeds.

Anonymous said...

I don't think either candidate is a loser as some here imply.
Both have good qualities. What is getting in the way is the big political divide that is here in the country which has been egged on by political pundits and talking heads.
If whomever comes to power tries to rule just from the right or left instead of the center, we will see another political bloodbath in 4 years as well.
I have hope no matter which candidate wins. I am not one who believes we all loose as some here are which is very sad.

Anonymous said...

Bob Barr is the real conservative. Vote for him to hold the Republicans to their "once" core principles
1. McCain wants to work across the aisle
2 Does he really support tax cuts. He originally voted against
3 He can't be trusted on immigration
4 He bailed on the bailout

Anonymous said...

Here in Indiana I have already voted. This is my 5th presidential election. For the first time in my voting life I voted (twice I guess if you count the primary) enthusiastically for the candidate.

We have in Barack Obama a candidate who's first instinct is to learn as much as he can about a problem then formulate a policy to deal with it. It will be quite a change from the shoot first, ask questions later approach we've had for so long. He's a smart, pragmatic politician interested in finding the best solution. You may not agree with every decision he will make in the coming years, but my sense is you will get the feeling that he has considered a variety of voices in coming to that decision. [Well, maybe not everyone on this blog...some people are so worked up Obama will never do anything right]

Gary, of course, will support him because we are at war and we always support our president in a time of war. Right, Gary?

Gary Sutton said...

Why the negativity on me with your last comment about "voting for McCain in time of war." Have I torn Obama down anywhere on this blog in a personal way. If you must know, I think he is a fairly adroit and pragmatic fellow. As with any candidate, so far he has had to deal in theory. I have always been a great believer that in times of great crisis, our presidents will resort to the very best or very worst qualities that they regularly exhibit. I hope that if Obama is elected that he will follow the same pattern; I have no reason to think he will not.

You might also note, if you can take a moment away from your dislike for me, that I have not been one who has said that Senator Obama will just leave the war irresponsibly. I have heard him say he will be responsible, and again, because presidents deal in reality, I know he will do so responsibly. The office and its responsibilities and realities still shape the president, not the other way around.

On Wednesday, we will have one of two people as president-elect. That person will be my president and I will wholeheartedly root for him to succeed along with the other parts of our government. We need leadership and good public policy, and if the Democrats are there I hope they will lead in a way that benefits our country. The Republicans have done a poor job and have abdicated that mantle, so let's see if the Democrats can be the first party to get beyond this partisan political merry-go-round and lead. The chasm is wide, but I hope they are willing to cross it to help all of us. If not, their time in leadership will also be short.

Unlike so many who think this country will be fed-exed to Hell come Wednesday morning, I view the country as always stronger than anyone who has alternative, selfish, and negative plans for it. I believe that Senator Obama is what he says, but I also think that theory and reality will soon collide, and the strenth of his presidency will be measured by his ability to mesh the two together.

RB, I would take time here to tell you who I am, but why bother. Hate runs too deep, and my line to you is not that long. Have a nice day. Oh yeah, last time I checked, we still have a private ballot in this country. I will be able to vote tomorrow without hippocracy, or explaining my vote to you.

Anonymous said...

Gary I do not understand your post. You quoted me as saying something about "voting for McCain in a time of war". Where did that come from? I said nothing of the sort. Nor did I say anything about my feelings about you personally. I don't even know you personally.

My comment was a more generic one I direct at people who take, as a fall back defense, the position that we 'must support our president when we are in a war'. A) I have heard you say that on more than one occasion when someone challenged our current dear leader on various issues whether they are the war or not and B) I have read your rantings about the impending "redistribution of wealth", etc and know you don't agree with Obama on taxes, etc. I was just wondering how people who 'have to support the president in a time of war' reconcile things when other issues come up.

As far as you last paragraph...again, I don't know what to make of that. What's with the hate talk? You seem to assume that someone who disagrees with you hates you. That's just weird. One question...if I was so full of venom and hate for you why would I have bothered to defend you on the programming change at WSBA and declare that you got hosed?

A private ballot...uh, yeah, and that's another thing I never said anything about to the contrary. I would say, though, that a private ballot doesn't mean you are required to keep who you voted for a secret.

I don't know what this "hypocrisy" is you speak of unless it is that you will be hypocritical if you ask the question about final thoughts in deciding who gets your vote, then decide you don't need to talk about why you vote the way you do. Perhaps it is not hypocritical, but it would be awfully weird coming from someone in the 'opinion business'.

It's really, really...really...not as personal as you make it out to be.

Anonymous said...

You better be there tomorrow night Jay, I'm counting on your expert analysis as the evening unfolds.

Oh, yeah. You too Gary.

Will there be Funyons on the menu?

Jay said...

No Funyons. We'll be having Responsibilityuns.

Gary Sutton said...

RB said, "[Well, maybe not everyone on this blog...some people are so worked up Obama will never do anything right]

Gary, of course, will support him because we are at war and we always support our president in a time of war. Right, Gary?"

Wasn't that you? No, I don't believe that because someone disagrees with me that they hate me. Of course not, and frankly, I don't care. I guess my point is that over time , you've had the ability to talk the issues, then go off on my personal take in a way that has sounded awfully--well, personal.

BTW, because I differ with Obama on the issue of taxation does not mean I cannot support him as my president if he is elected. I think I will probably be able to support him better than I have seen a segment of our population stand by the current one. How did that work out for you, RB?

Gary Sutton said...

I don't have any expert analysis to offer for the evening. I'm just not on that level that you are yet.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for some clarification in how you read this. I would say two things. First, I made no mention of John McCain as you claimed. Second, did you notice the brackets and the fact they came at the end of the next to last paragraph and did not say something like "in particularly Gary"?

It's not all about you. Isn't that the point of the call in portion of your show and having comments open on this blog? There are some people who leave comments here that Obama will never win over -- that was addressed to them. After saying that, I wanted to address this issue of Gary supporting someone Gary disagrees with since disagreeing with Bush has been verboten on more than one occasion since 'we are at war.'

Having said that, so what if the two were connected? How does that mean I have 'hate' for you?

I just don't get it.

Just Fred said...

I voted for Barack Obama. It's no secret to anyone who has followed this blog for awhile that I'm no fan of GW and his administration. Not because he's a member of the Republican Tribe, but because I simply think he's been a lousy president.

John McCain, in my opinion, is only a shell of what he was 8 years ago. I think he sold out to the RNC to get their backing. The final straw for me was his choice of Sarah Palin as a running mate. I'm betting it was not HIS doing, but a gimmick dreamed up in some some backroom within the Tribal Tent.

Anyhow, because of my long held opinion of GW and his policies, McCain's inability to separate himself from the current cabal created within the Republican Party, I think voting for him would be like divorcing your wife and marrying her sister.

I singled out Barack Obama early on as a positive transitional figure on the political landscape, and nothing has changed my mind.

Anonymous said...

Here is a very interesting tidbit of information.

NOTE: I can't vouch for the integrity of the source. But it is interesting nontheless.

Just Fred said...

Doug, if I recall, you were a serious Ron Paul supporter. I thought he was a solid guy, too.

Anyhow, which political tribe dumped on his campaign? The Republican Tribal Poo-Bahs controlling the show wanted no parts of him because he appeared to be a................wait for it.........a "Maverick".

John McCain learned his lesson in 2000, while Ron Paul has yet to learn his.

Gary Sutton said...

Regarding your statement , "It's not all about you. Isn't that the point of the call in portion of your show and having comments open on this blog? There are some people who leave comments here that Obama will never win over -- that was addressed to them. After saying that, I wanted to address this issue of Gary supporting someone Gary disagrees with since disagreeing with Bush has been verboten on more than one occasion since 'we are at war.'"

What does that mean? I need some medication to read this.

Anonymous said... that I re-read that I can see your need for medication...perhaps I will ask you to share some with me! At least it made sense in my head.

Let me try again...I was reacting to the fact you automatically connected my comments about "some people on this blog" with the new paragraph addressing you. By saying "it's not all about you" I was trying to point out that I was talking about people who comment here other than you. You claim to be here for the audience, yet your first reaction at a comment I directed to some audience members was to assume I was talking about you.

I'll say again, the final paragraph (and the final paragraph alone) was the one directed at you. I've heard you numerous times in the past default to "supporting the president in a time of war" whether the discussion was about national security or anything else. Now I see you saying that with leadership changing it will be acceptable to disagree with the president on other issues even though we are still at war. What gives?


My other question remains...even if I was lumping you in with the people who would never support Obama, how does that translate into me "hating" you?

Gary Sutton said...

Good questions. Congratulations to President-Elect Obama. I disagreed with President Bush on policies and agreed on others, just as I am sure I will disagree with President Obama on some policies and agree on others. My point is that I do not make it personal, but rather prefer to focus one issue at a time. I am not sure everyone else thinks that way. As far as the "hate me" thing goes, let's drop it, and assume that we both communicated poorly on this point.
Ok? Thank you for clarifying your thoughts.