Sunday, November 9, 2008

Feeling the pinch?

Feeling the financial pinch? What are you doing to save money these days? And please, please don't say "We don't eat out as often." If you don't eat out every single day at my restaurant, the terrorists have won.

What about me? Well, I asked you first. But since you asked, I don't spend much money to begin with. Still, when I have some (meager) free time, I'm rediscovering my DVD's and books I already have instead of buying more. I'm not going out much, but then, I don't go out to begin with.

And that picture above is the best Google comes up with for "pinch" in an image search. I hoped for a better picture, but we have to use what we have.


Anonymous said...

We are blessed with a fantastic public library and Parks & Rec dept here in Indiana. So many free things for our little kiddies to do.

Anonymous said...

Bottom line is, you do what you have to do. Many have yet to feel the full effect of what is going on because it has happened so fast and the ripple effect is just starting to be felt at the local levels
A good portion of the GDP in the US (rightly or wrongly) is tied to consumer spending and thus the focus of the current President and in-coming President to keep consumer spending from totally tanking. The possible "good news" here is perhaps the consuming public as well as the lenders will wind up having to be more responsible in using and extending credit which should in the long run benefit both sides of the equation.

Jay said...

Yeah, a public library is pure entertainment. It's been a while since I patronized one, but I used to be a regular.

So, No one else is feeling a financial pinch? Or is no one else doing anything to scrimp and save?

If you are doing something to save, share it with the rest of us!

Anonymous said...

I moved back in with my parents. Kind of a blow to my pride but it's saving me a few bucks.

Just Fred said...

I've simply decided I don't need alot of the "stuff" I thought I wanted.

I do things myself........repairs, maintenance around the house and yard. I'm learning how to do things myself and it's good for me and probably healthier, too.

I've also decided that a vehicle is just a tool I use to go from point "A" to "B". It doesn't have to be new or look cool and stylish.

It's just a matter of learning to be happy with less. Life goes on and I'll be damned if I'm going to let a reduction in cashflow ruin my life.

Anonymous said...

We aren't pinching as much as just working harder. My wife and I both have two jobs and we're housing my sister-in-law who watches our daughter and another child.

And we break even. Maybe we are pinching.

Anonymous said...

To save money I decided to not replace my old transistor radio that burned out. Once they canned Gary's old show and I got to listen to the new early morning show - I figured, why not?, I'm not missing out on anything by losing the radio.

Anonymous said...

Best news is that gas prices are down...everyone received a raise and I believe that people will spend on Xmas in their normal way.