Friday, November 28, 2008

New poll: Spending less for the holidays?

New poll: Are you spending less for the holidays?

Whether you are or aren't check out Gary's handy list of Black Friday deals.

Black Friday deals galore

Just for the heck of it, I thought I would post the following websites to lend a hand on Black Friday, and throughout the upcoming shopping season. If they help, I'm a hero, if not then nothing is lost. Here you are:

Get a jump on Black Friday sites which can help you get your best shopping deals this year are:

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Obama, Clinton and deregulation

John Berlau argues pretty persuasively on Reason Online that President-elect Obama has a "Clinton Problem":

... [T]he Obama campaign's twin messages of bashing deregulation and embracing the Clinton years were inherently contradictory. Bill Clinton signed nearly every deregulatory measure that John McCain backed — the same measures that are now being blamed (wrongly) for helping cause the current crisis.

What's more, Clinton administration officials have credited these policies for contributing to the ‘90s economic boom—the very "shared prosperity" that Obama says he wants to go back to.

Persuasive, yes, but meaningful? Maybe not. See, Berlau believes this to be a paradox that needs to be resolved. I believe this is how our system operates. Say this, do that, and never the twain shall meet.

Link to Obama's Clinton Problem on Reason Online

This pardon (turkey bailout) is too good!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Take a civics test

This is the American Civics Literacy Test that was on the news last night. 2508 people took it and we averaged 49% on the score. Elected officials averaged 44%. Any surprise there?

56% of the people polled knew Paula Abdul was a judge on American Idol. Nice!

Anyway, here's the site:

Have fun! The last 6 questions are doozies. See if you agree with the answers. Feel free to argue them here.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Should the government stop dumping money into a giant hole?

Should The Government Stop Dumping Money Into A Giant Hole?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Feeling the pinch?

Feeling the financial pinch? What are you doing to save money these days? And please, please don't say "We don't eat out as often." If you don't eat out every single day at my restaurant, the terrorists have won.

What about me? Well, I asked you first. But since you asked, I don't spend much money to begin with. Still, when I have some (meager) free time, I'm rediscovering my DVD's and books I already have instead of buying more. I'm not going out much, but then, I don't go out to begin with.

And that picture above is the best Google comes up with for "pinch" in an image search. I hoped for a better picture, but we have to use what we have.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Congratulations to the President-Elect!

Congratulations to President-Elect Obama who will become the 44th President of the United States. He has run one of the most well-organized (maybe the most well-organized) campaigns in history. As Americans in difficult times, it is incumbent for all of us as citizens and leaders to forget agendas and get to policymaking. Our country and its people deserve no less. Democrats are the party in power and now have the opportunity to lead, and no longer obstruct. republicans have lost their position of power, and must now find ways to help lead, and not simply replace the Democrats as obstructionists. President-Elect Obama is my president and your's, but he is a representative of our views on how best this country must proceed. We need to hold him to account when he is wrong, and praise him when he is right. We need to see that he is now a leader who will be a puppet of no special interest or party. In doing so, I hope that we can make it policy-driven; not disgraceful and personal as has been done too often with President Bush. That is my wish this morning.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

7:04PM: Graphic content warning

Okay, so I have CNN, Fox News and MSNBC on the various widescreens. It's the first time I've seen these news channels in years and Jiminy Christmas what's up with the graphics?

I mean, I watch YouTube videos. I play videogames. At any given time I've got multiple tabs open in Firefox. So, okay, information overload isn't a problem for me.

Having said all that, who is designing these graphics and who is the audience? I feel like getting a Ritalin prescription just for watching more than two minutes.

See you tonight!

Well, here's my advice:

See you tonight! Remember, it's 6 pm to 9 pm-ish at my place, WOW Cafe & Wingery. I expect Gary around 6.

Monday, November 3, 2008

VOTE! What's your final thought and the "Hoe-Down!"

PLEASE vote tomorrow for your candidate. You are the final poll, and whether it's Obama, McCain, or other, you need to exercise your guaranteed right. Here's a question, though. What will your final thought be before you make your choice?

Oh yeah! I'm looking forward to meeting you tomorrow night at WOW Cafe and Wingery with my bud, Jay! Come out and blog, and eat, and talk and eat, and joke, and eat! We'll be there from 6-9p.m. Come on out and have fun!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Hoe-down: Tuesday night

Don't forget, on Tuesday night Gary and I will be chillin' at my restaurant between 6 pm and 9 pm (ish).

We can eat, chat, and, um ... well, to be honest, eating and chatting were what I had in mind. If you like Scrabble that much you can bring your travel board and see if anyone will play.

I'm told that there is some kind of political thing going on, so I guess you can talk about that. Me, I'll have my head between my knees. You can talk to me about almost anything else, though. You will find, of course, that I'm very charming.

Halloween is over-commericalized?

In The Know: Has Halloween Become Overcommercialized?